Month: November 2004

  • ASCII War

    At friends at boingboing (actually, I have no idea who they are, I think its an expression) give us this. It made me ROFL. (If your one of those flash haters – its a movie where ASCII tanks and planes blow each other up to Rammstein. I thought it was clever and witty and made…

  • Tara Reid’s

    Boob is on the net.

  • Arj and Poopy – What will they do next?

    A cartoon that is from one of my favourit American (there isn’t many) comedians Arj and Poopy

  • Christian Links

    For some odd reason people have sent me a massive amount (3) of Christian links over the last 12 hours, so seeing as there was a common theme I thought I would post them. The first is Democracy is not a good form of government if your a good little Christian. A list of errors…

  • Game Review – Doom 3

    Doom 3 brings I.D. software right back in their element with very little innovation since John Romero left and stunning graphics. Doom 3 could have easily been called Doom 2, 3d since it is essentially the same game, with the same monsters and many of the same weapons. At first, this is awesome because the…

  • b3ta

    Normally everything over at is rather crap, this is funny. Old men banging sticks to drum n’ bass. In response to comes (there was also a .com but it seems to have disappeared). How odd. One man’s tribute to his cat, simultaneously hilarious and touching. A french man’s CV in song.

  • Book Review – Joe Cinque’s Consolation by Helen Garner

    You may remember a few years ago a girl at ANU murdered her boyfriend by giving him a lethal injection of heroin. Or you may not, it was a relatively obscure story that hit the headlines, was dismissed as one of those crazy weird things that happens. In this book Helen Garner attempts to unwrap…

  • Melbourne Transport – How it has made a better group of people

    I went to Melbourne over the weekend and it really highlighted a lot of things we could be doing better in Sydney. Melbourne people have flaws, they are artsy stuck up idiots with no clue about globalisation, but Melbourne has a sense of humanity that Sydney lacks. And it begins with their public transport system.…

  • FireFox 1.0 is released

    Get it here. If your still using IE give this a go.