Author: joelh

  • Upgrading My Home Network: A Journey Towards Seamless WiFi

    Recently my router died after serving a good life (RIP Asus RT-AC5300) so I had to rapidly upgrade my home network. I used this as an opportunity to look to create a proper WiFi 6 network, to try to completely eliminate bufferbloat and to move to PoE switches. After some research and discussion with friends…

  • Adventures in RGB and FanControl

    I started out with what I thought was a simple mission. Use Open Source software to control my fans and RGB rather than propriety and brand-specific software. It turned out to be much harder than needed mostly Corsair hardware seems to not play nicely with these tools. In the end, I’ve decided to use primarily…

  • Thermal Pad and Thermal Paste Replacement

    I have been having heat issues with my GPU. The problems started playing Overwatch where the computer would actually completely restart. A look at the minidump showed that it was the Nvidia driver which was crashing, and watching the temperatures I noticed the GPU Hotspot Temperature was getting very high – 115C. From what I…

  • Home Assistant

    After many years of friend’s suggesting I explore this software I have finally taken the plunge and installed Home Assistant. If you don’t know what this is it’s essentially open-source software that is designed to connect to any of the devices in your house such as IoT devices, smart-lights, routers, TVs, cameras, alarms and so…

  • Streamlit – Rapid prototyping for python data apps

    I needed to create a simple web interface for a project I was working on but I didn’t want to spend a lot of time setting up routes, MVC or some other pattern that was going to require a lot of setup. A friend suggested Streamlit. This python package allows you to insert a very…

  • ChatGPT and Auto-GPT

    Like everyone it seems I have been playing with ChatGPT and Auto-GPT trying to understand their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses and get a feel for where the technology is heading. Here are my observations thus far. GPT-3, GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4 and Bard I saw a big jump in response depth, comprehension and usability between GPT-3…

  • AWS CloudFormation: Internal Failure. Rollback requested by user

    I ran into a problem where a stack would not build on AWS with the above error message. When you tried to create the stack it would simply hang and wait for 40 minutes or so, and then rollback. The problem turned out to be a parameter of type: And the IAM role building the…

  • AWS: IAM: Role Chaining using Ruby SDK v3

    Role Chaining is mentioned in the AWS Documentation but it is not clear exactly how you are meant to implement it in practice. It is used when you want to use one role to assume another role, which may be used to indicate the type of task you are performing as the app or may…

  • What is DevOps?

    Enterprise IT has been taken by storm by DevOps as both a buzzword and a movement. In this post I’m going to attempt the impossible – describe what DevOps is and isn’t, why it is so popular and what is the core value that is likely to remain once the hype train has left the…

  • Bimodal IT – What is it, Does it work and What’s next

    I’ve heard of this bimodal IT, what is it ? Bimodal IT is a concept introduced by Gartner that seeks to assist large organisations who want to adopt the new coolness – Agile, CI/CD, DevOps – but are stuck with a legacy fleet of brownfields apps. The basic idea is to divide your development into two streams,…