Month: April 2007

  • Dapper, Pipes and Plagger

    Dapper, Pipes and Plagger a meta-mashup, an article that sums up three new Web 2.0 products for interacting with feeds. Dapper allows you to create your own feeds for websites that don’t have them, or ones that do that you don’t like their feed (maybe it has ads or partial summaries of articles). It has…

  • Joost

    Joost is an online TV technology developed by the makers of Kazaa and Skype. It works by using p2p technology to deliver near TV quality full screen video. I’ve recently downloaded and tried out the beta and I can say its a lot of fun. A lot of the recent feedback of the product has…

  • Yahoo! Widgets

    Yahoo! have a bit of a lame history. They were given many millions of dollars and have always been one of the most visited websites on the internet but somehow they have never really done anything that exciting with it. Recently that has changed. There was the Yahoo UI Library which made AJAX programming much…

  • Fring.Com allows you to make VoIP calls from your mobile phone, as well as connect to IM networks and so forth. In my case I’m fairly sure with “Three” I don’t have access to the Internet. This service looks really cool but plans in Australia still have very high data costs. The day when we…