Month: December 2008

  • lshw

    Every now and then you come across a genuine new command that you haven’t heard of before that does something useful. lshw lists basically everything hardware related you would want to know about a new box you have just jumped on to. It is extremely detailed and easy to read and should be available with…

  • Flickr-CAPTCHA v0.2 using PHP and the FlickrAPI for human recognition

    Flickr-CAPTCHA is a captcha program that uses flickr images and tags to decide whether someone is human. A random thing is selected (from a list of things) and a random number of flickr images are chosen a long with a set of decoys. Each decoy contains at least one other thing in order to prevent…

  • Python NSS netgroups interface

    While working on my python test-sudoers script I realised I would need to query NSS netgroups. I went looking for a python module that would do that, and I found the nis module but this wasn’t really what I was after. The NIS module allows you to query NIS netgroups if you have a NIS…