Month: October 2005

  • Media PC

    I finally finished my media PC. It has a Fusion HDTV DVB-T Plus card which I had to test four different kernels to get it to work. It was an extremely painful process. I also had the original motherboard fry on me which put me $90 out of pocket that I would have preferred not…

  • ADSL2+

    We now have ADSL2+ at home. This gives us 15mbit down (potential maximum of 24 if our lines were better) and 1mbit up. Its from Internode and as far as ISP’s go I can definately recommend them. Their rates are reasonable, their tech support knows what they are doing and the service is really good.

  • Blog has moved

    Niven writes: Hi all – I had started a blog, but unfortunately they had a “technical difficulty” and pretty much screwed up the blog so it was unreadable. Its taken them 2 weeks and it hasn’t been fixed, so i’ve moved. You can still get there from OR Its not nearly as cool…

  • Death’s Waiting Room Review

    If you like cocks, boobs and being shocked – death’s waiting room could be for you. I say could be for you. The play is set as a rehearsal/performance of a circus trop. The players – The Ring Master – Fat Clown – Skinny Clown – Ariel (acrobat) – Strawberry (freak with your fin) –…

  • b3ta

    Accenture Rebrands America