Month: November 2005

  • Save the Muppets

    As a fellow Muppet fan, I know you’ll be upset to hear that the Walt Disney Company is trying to replace the Muppet performers with an interchangable bench of substitute puppeteers. You can help change Disney’s mind and keep the Muppets alive, just by signing a petition at The site also tells you how…

  • Jamie Oliver, Iron Chef

    Why hasn’t it happened?

  • Marco V, Mauro Picotto

    Playing at Home on the 25th of November.

  • The next razor

    I used to use ordinary disposable razors. Sometimes I would have to shave the same spot twice. That was annoying but ok. Then along came the Mach3. Never again would I have to go over the same place twice. Except after a while the first blade got dull, and then the second. And by a…

  • The curse of the envigilator begins

    Every year I seem to have exam supervisors who really annoy me. Last year I had a guy who coughed really loudly every five minutes and would go outside and would have loud conversations we could all hear (so loud they were distracting). This year’s candidate was Mr. Wheezy. This fat old guy wheezed his…

  • Fast Mini

    My friend Dean is building what he says is one of the fastest mini’s in the world. Its almost finished. The thread following it is here. Have a look at the pics. I hope he takes me cruising in this.

  • World of Warcraft expansion

    Official Website A realese before the expansion came out this is what is said to be “planned” It says what the other race could be.