Month: December 2005

  • Cronulla

    If you are anything like me you have read far too many opinion articles on what it is that caused the Cronulla incident. The choicest quote came from Cate Blanchett who gave us this gem: “It’s actually very clear and simple. Violence and racism are bad,” she said. “Whenever they occur, they are to be…

  • Finally Level 60

    To celebrate here are some screenshots of my adventures.

  • WoW Farming

    New York Times article and an article by a guy who made friends with farmers. I met my first farmer the other day these guys are fascinating. He was the master looter but he still gave out everything fairly. I only knew he was a farmer because he all he ever said was “Go” or…

  • Our Shame

    Our shame is our media, especially the Sydney Morning Herald who printed this article over the weekend filled with racist quotes and with the text message that told everyone to go to Cronulla. How many would have shown up if that article hadn’t been printed? Reading the article you can see how merely printing someone…

  • Gas Powered Broadband

    A company called Nethercomm thinks it can do 1Tb of data through gas pipes.