Month: August 2006

  • TrueCrypt

    Easily encrypt/decrypt USB keys with TrueCrypt a cross-platform encryption suite.

  • Digg Video

    Digg has for a while now been a staple part of every nerds diet. Amongst all the hype it has taken AJAX, Web 2.0 and community driven websites and actually made something useful and interesting (see Google Trends to see how its grown). Now they have finally added non-nerd categories that are quickly picking up…

  • Greylisting – A novel but controversial way to reduce spam

    Greylisting is a technique to reduce spam that works by giving a temporary failure to new mail hosts and allowing them to deliver once they wait for 10 minutes or so. It works because most spammers are either spambots or other spam programs which tend to not behave anything like a real MTA and will…

  • Things you don’t want to hear at 5am

    The incestant click click click of the stove. I found Nichole staring at the stove and was about to explain its operation to hear before I realised the clicking was the igniter spark going over and over about every second (much slower than it goes if you press the button down). We called Energy Australia…