Author: joelh

  • no comments

    I logged in to my management interface only to find that one of my pages was now one megabyte in size (thats raw text baby booyah) and that I was doing 1gb in transfer a month. This was because spammers had spammed the hell out of my comments section. Until I get a chance to…

  • Bash Secrets

    Press alt+”.” to get the second argument of the last command. Genius!

  • Scientology

    As many of you now know I have decided to become a scientologist. It took a long time for me to decide this was the path for me but I was greatly aided by watching this short video and reading about Lisa McPherson. What a bunch of jerks.

  • New linux apps

    The coolest thing out there right now is still Amarok an itunes-ish clone. Version 1.3 was buggy as well and would crash every second song. Version 1.4 is a massive improvement, has a professional sexy UI (with great fonts), actually interesting dynamic playlists and is just fun to navigate and have open. Its python based…

  • SSH 4.3 VPN

    Papa’s got a brand new bag. SSH 4.3 has the ability to use the tun/tap driver to establish true VPN connections between two hosts that you 0wnz0r (have root). What this means is that I can at work connect to my home network and bridge the two together such that either my work computer can…

  • Movember

    To raise awareness about prostate cancer and men’s health I am growing a mo for Movember. Early surveys of female friends indicate that it is likely to be lonely month but I’m enjoying it already. Did you know: Men are far less healthy than women. The average life expectancy of males is 6 years less…

  • Internet options in Sydney

    Before today the house here had no phoneline so I had to do a TCO on all available internet options. At first I concentrated on wireless because I assumed that the $30 line rental fee was going to be a killer on my own. There are wireless plans out there that have a fairly decent…

  • HP iPAQ on Deals Direct for $200

    Deals direct occasionally have very good deals. Check out this iPAQ which is missing some parts of the retail pack but definately a very good deal.

  • is a true freakish creation shown only when a society becomes so hellbent on one idea that basic principles, which would normally be the policies by which all other social structures are built around, are abandoned in favour of adhearing to the current trends and ideology. The currency is privacy, and what you trade…

  • TrueCrypt

    Easily encrypt/decrypt USB keys with TrueCrypt a cross-platform encryption suite.